Tuesday, September 06, 2005

It's funny, the things that will set you off. Just when I think I'm having an ok day, when I'm not missing Grandma too much or feeling her loss too sharply, it can just come rushing back. A friend mentioned a certain book this evening, and asked if I had read it. It just happened to be one that I Grandma bought and read then gave to me to read a couple of years ago. It is a great book, and she enjoyed it as much as I did. But thinking of it now, it just makes me cry all over again. Hard to believe that she won't ever share another book with me. We won't have any more conversations about our favorite, and least favorite, writers. Already I'm seeing books on the shelves that I know she would love, and I miss that bond we had. It's just funny, the little things that can make you feel the loss all over again.


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