Tuesday, August 02, 2005

So. Crazy Aunt #1 was to arrive today. I'm assuming that happened. Crazy Aunt #2 spent the morning getting paperwork drawn up by a lawyer and ferrying it up to Grandma at the hospital, with notary in tow, to be signed. Evidently she (C.A.#2) now has power of attorney over Grandma's car. (?!?). Didn't know there was such a thing, didn't know it was necessary, but whatever. Just more billable hours for the attorney.

We (Larry, me and the girls) stopped and visited Grandma briefly today. She is evidently upset over all the family mess (and who wouldn't be??), so there is a meeting w/the hospital social worker set up for tomorrow afternoon. It will be her, Grandma, me and Crazy Aunts. I really wish Larry could go with me, but he has to work. Luckily we will have the social worker there as a sort of mediator. I mainly just hope to address the issue of them threatening to keep me from seeing Grandma, otherwise I am going to be mostly quiet and give the 'Leens enough rope to hang themselves. Should be interesting! Knowing as I do that they are both drug addicts (one to prescription drugs, the other to meth and alcohol) I don't anticipate either of them being real articulate or making a good impression on the social worker.

So that's tomorrow at 12:30, and I was able to get an appointment to see my counselor at 2:00, which is great as I can tell her all about the meeting while it's fresh in my mind.

I have to go do some laundry today, this morning I put on my absolute LAST clean outfit, I am not going to be able to leave the house tomorrow if I don't get some clothes washed!!


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