Sunday, June 05, 2005

is it still Sunday?

phew, after far too few hours of sleep last night I was up at 4am to be at work by 5 this morning. It's hard to believe it is just now noon, it feels like it should be dinner time to me by now, lol! I had fun at work, though, learning how to use the big commercial espresso machine in the coffee shop. I will be covering occasional shifts there so I needed to learn how to run the register and the espresso machine. Lots and lots of people coming through, it was interesting to talk to them all and find out where they are traveling and why!

Now I need to do housework and grocery shopping, but I'm in a sort of mental fog right now due to lack of sleep, lol. Tried to take a nap but (surprise!) kids didn't cooperate. Shock! I'm still drinking my mocha I made right before I left work, maybe it will give me the boost I need to get some stuff done. At least now I can say I blogged today, lol!!


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